Ebony Singleton

Human Services

Ebony Singleton, a human services major, came to Delaware Tech to obtain a better life for herself and her children. "It's never too late to go to college. Once you've started, don't stop. Even if you have to take two classes per semester, don't ever stop…and don’t ever feel a certain way because you don’t know as much as the person sitting next to you."

Ebony is very self-motivated. "I'm pushing myself more and more every semester because I prove myself wrong every time I pass a class and/or every time I get a good grade on a test or paper." Ebony said math has always been challenging for her, so she got a laptop to get ahead of assignments. "If I had any trouble with a chapter, I could get help and not fall behind."

Ebony has received a lot of support from her instructors. “夫人. Lelii and Mrs. Hayden have pushed me to always go the extra mile. Even when I'm doubting myself, they reassure me that I'm on the right track."

Ebony wants to work for the Division of Family Services. "I want to help save children from bad domestic situations." After graduation, she plans to enroll at Delaware State University to pursue a bachelor's degree.


Ebony Singleton
Ebony Singleton

Program of Study
Human Services

Ebony Singleton was nominated by Marissa Lelii, student affairs specialist.